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How to Roast Marshmallows Over a Propane Fire Pit

Yes, you can roast marshmallows over a propane fire pit. You will need to make sure that the flames are not too high, and that you have a long skewer or stick to roast the marshmallows on. Always be careful not to burn yourself!

  1. Make sure the flames on your propane fire pit are not too high.
  2. Skewer or stick to roast the marshmallows on.
  3. Toast the marshmallow to a golden brown over the flames.

Toasting marshmallows can be tricky – if you hold them too close to the flame, they will char. If you hold them too far away, they won’t get melted on the inside. The key is to find the perfect distance from the fire to toast them to a golden brown with a gooey center.

Pro Tip: If you’re using a wooden skewer or stick to roast your marshmallows, be sure to soak it in water for a few minutes beforehand. This will help prevent it from catching on fire.

Roasting marshmallows over a propane fire pit is a fun way to enjoy this outdoor dessert or s’mores without needing a campfire. Just be sure to roast them carefully so you don’t end up getting burned.

Marshmallow roasting tips

  • Always follow common-sense fire safety rules, like not using open flame inside a home, make sure you have proper ventilation, and be mindful that melted marshmallow is very hot and sticky, so it will stick and keep burning if you get it on you. Don’t pick up a hot dropped marshmallow; give it time to cool off before cleaning it up.
  • When you’re roasting over an open fire, the technique for achieving the perfect toasted marshmallow is largely the same
  • It’s a good idea to use a long roasting stick so your body is a safe distance from the fire, and hold the marshmallow near the bright yellow flame (the blue part is too hot). This is the equivalent to the yellow flames of a wood-burning fire pit or the hot coals if using something like charcoal barbeque grills as the heat source.
  • Keep turning the stick so you don’t get burnt marshmallow on one side and cold marshmallow on the other.
  • As you keep it turning like a rotisserie chicken, you will be able to watch it begin to puff and turn a golden brown color. The longer you keep it exposed to the heat, the browner it will get on the outside. Keep it turning and keep watching – it does not take a long period of time to go from golden to flaming char if you aren’t paying attention.
  • On the inside, the marshmallow is melting.
  • Use the graham crackers like hot pads to smoosh the melted marshmallow between them and slide it off the stick.

S’mores Recipe

The only thing you need to roast a marshmallow is a marshmallow. But if you’re looking for one of the all-time best campfire foods ever, here’s a classic s’mores recipe (you just can’t go wrong with this one.)


  1. graham crackers
  2. chocolate bars
  3. marshmallows


  1. Place a layer of graham crackers on the bottom of a plate or other flat surface.
  2. Place a chocolate bar on top of the graham crackers
  3. Put the roasted marshmallows on top of the chocolate
  4. Top with graham cracker to sandwich the melting chocolate and marshmallow
  5. Enjoy!

Propane vs wood fire pit for roasting marshmallows

When it comes to roasting marshmallows, you have two main options: propane fire pits and wood fire pits. Both have their own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs.

Propane fire pit for roasting marshmallows

Propane fire pits are great because they’re easy to use and portable. They consist of the propane tank, and the outdoor fire pit with lava rocks on a metal grill over the gas burner to catch and disperse the heat from the gas flame. Propane is a popular cooking fuel in the world of outdoor activities.

You can simply turn them on and start roasting marshmallows right away. However, they can be more expensive to operate than wood fire pits.

Wood fire pit for roasting marshmallows

Wood fire pits are a more traditional option, and many people feel that they provide a better flavor for roasted marshmallows. They can be more difficult to use, since you need to gather wood and build the fire yourself. However, once you get the fire going, wood fire pits can be very affordable to operate.

What about natural gas fires?

There is such a thing as a natural gas fire pit, usually connected to the natural gas system of a home. Natural gas is methane instead of propane, but as far as roasting marshmallows go they have the same properties. They’re both fueled by petroleum gas that provides a steady continuous burn.

When any organic substance is burned, whether it is wood, natural gas, or propane, if 100% of every molecule burns completely then you end up with carbon dioxide and water (vapor). Now if that happened in real life, you’d never see any smoke, which is made up of partially burnt by-products like carbon monoxide and other potentially harmful substances.

When roasting marshmallows, use the heat from the flames by holding the marshmallow to the side, not directly in the unburned chemicals that make up smoke.

What is a marshmallow anyway?

Marshmallows are usually made from sugar, corn syrup, gelatin, and water. The ingredients are combined and boiled to create a marshmallow syrup. This syrup is then whipped to incorporate air and cooled slightly. After it has cooled, the marshmallow mixture is poured into molds or onto a surface where it will be cut into pieces. The marshmallows are then dusted with cornstarch or confectioners’ sugar to keep them from sticking together.

Fun facts about marshmallows

  • Marshmallows are often used in recipes for desserts, such as s’mores and Rice Krispie Treats.
  • Marshmallows are also popular as a standalone snack, especially around campfires and bonfires. Roasting marshmallows over a fire is a fun activity for both kids and adults.
  • When marshmallows are mixed with cornstarch or confectioners’ sugar, they are less likely to stick together. This makes them easier to eat and also prevents them from clumping together in storage.
  • Marshmallows are a type of candy. They are classified as a “confection” because they are made with sugar, corn syrup, and water. Marshmallows are not made with chocolate, so they are not classified as a chocolate candy.
  • Marshmallows come in a variety of colors and flavors. You can find them in the traditional white color, or you can also find them in pink, green, blue, and even black. Marshmallows can also be flavored with things like mint, vanilla, or strawberry.
  • In the summertime during camping + smores season, many grocery stores have started offering larger marshmallows where one is good enough for a full-graham-cracker-sized serving. Roast one and done!

The perfect marshmallow

Personally, I prefer a light gold, barely crisp outside with a super melty inside. My brother insists it needs a little char on it to be authentic. It’s possible we just argue about it as an excuse to cook more marshmallows and make some more s mores!

More tasty recipes with marshmallows

Drinks and cocktails with marshmallows

Drinks and Cocktails With Marshmallows

How do you like to roast your marshmallows?