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How to Remove Coffee Stains from Yeti: A Step-by-Step Guide

Coffee stains on Yeti cups can be a stubborn problem to deal with. While Yeti cups are known for their durability and ability to keep beverages hot or cold for hours, they are also known to develop coffee stains over time. These stains not only look unsightly but can also affect the taste of your drink. Fortunately, there are several effective methods to remove tough stains from Yeti cups.

cartoon of a yeti holding a coffee mug, looking at a large coffee cup about half its size

While you can always go straight for the Yeti Cleaning Tablets, the Mr. Clean magic eraser, or even denture cleaning tablets, but if you’re looking for ways to clean your coffee mugs without using chemical cleaning products, one of the most popular DIY methods to remove stubborn coffee stains from Yeti cups is by using white vinegar and salt. This method involves making a paste with white vinegar and salt and then rubbing it onto the stained area. After leaving the paste on for a few minutes, the cup should be rinsed thoroughly with water.

Another effective method to clean coffee stains involves using baking soda. To use this method, mix baking soda with water to form a paste and apply it to the stained area. Let the paste sit for a few minutes before rinsing the cup with water. It is important to note that abrasive materials like scouring pads should not be used to clean Yeti cups as they can scratch the surface.

Understanding Coffee Stains

Coffee stains are a common problem for Yeti cup owners. These stains are not only unsightly but can also be difficult to remove. Understanding what causes coffee stains is the first step in tackling them.

Coffee contains tannins, which are natural compounds that give coffee its distinctive flavor and color. When coffee comes into contact with a surface, the tannins can bind to the surface and create a stain. Stainless steel, the material used to make Yeti cups, is particularly susceptible to coffee stains due to its porous nature.

The longer a coffee stain is left untreated, the more difficult it becomes to remove. This is because the tannins in the coffee can penetrate deeper into the surface, making them harder to remove. This is why it is important to treat stubborn stains as soon as possible.

The good news is there are lots of different ways for removing coffee stains from Yeti cups, including using baking soda, vinegar, and Yeti-approved cleaning tablets. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to choose the method that works best for you.

Materials Needed

Removing coffee stains from a Yeti cup or mug can be an easy task with the right materials. Here are some of the materials that you will need to get started:

White Vinegar

White vinegar is a versatile and effective cleaning agent that is commonly used to remove coffee stains from Yeti cups. It is a natural and non-toxic solution that is safe to use on stainless steel and other surfaces. You can easily find it at your local grocery store or online.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another effective cleaning agent that can be used to remove coffee stains from Yeti cups. It is a natural and non-toxic solution that is safe to use on stainless steel and other surfaces. You can easily find it at your local grocery store or online.


Salt is a common household item that can be used to remove coffee stains from Yeti cups. It is a natural and non-toxic solution that is safe to use on stainless steel and other surfaces. You can easily find it at your local grocery store or online.

Soft-bristled Brush

A soft-bristled brush is an essential tool for removing coffee stains from Yeti cups. It can help to scrub away the stains without scratching the surface of the cup. You can use a toothbrush or any other soft-bristled brush that you have on hand.

Microfiber Cloth

A microfiber cloth is a gentle and effective tool for cleaning Yeti cups. It can help to remove coffee stains without leaving any scratches or marks on the surface of the cup. You can easily find it at your local grocery store or online.

In addition to these materials, you may also need a small bowl, measuring spoons, and a spray bottle depending on the cleaning method you choose. With these materials, you can easily remove coffee stains from your Yeti cup or mug and keep it looking brand new.

Pre-Cleaning Steps

Before attempting to remove coffee stains from a Yeti tumbler, there are some pre-cleaning steps that should be taken. These steps will help to ensure that the stain is removed as effectively as possible.

Rinse with Cold Water

The first step in pre-cleaning a coffee stain from a Yeti tumbler is to rinse it with cold water. This will help to remove any excess coffee from the cup and prevent the stain from setting in. It is important to use cold water, as hot water can cause the stain to set in and become more difficult to remove.

Blotting the Stain

After rinsing the cup with cold water, the next step is to blot the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel. This will help to remove any remaining coffee from the cup and prevent the stain from spreading. It is important to blot the stain gently, as rubbing it can cause it to spread and become more difficult to remove.

By following these pre-cleaning steps, you can help to ensure that the coffee stain is removed as effectively as possible. Once these steps have been completed, you can move on to the next steps of the cleaning process, which will involve using various cleaning solutions to remove the stain completely.

Applying Stain Remover

If the coffee stain on your Yeti tumbler is particularly stubborn, you may need to use a stain remover to get rid of it completely. Here are some steps to follow when applying stain remover:

  1. Choose a suitable stain remover: There are many different types of stain removers available on the market, so it’s important to choose one that is suitable for your Yeti tumbler. Look for a product that is specifically designed to remove coffee stains from stainless steel surfaces.
  2. Apply the stain remover: Follow the instructions on the label of the stain remover to apply it to the affected area of your Yeti tumbler. Generally, you will need to spray or dab a small amount of the product onto the stain and then let it sit for a few minutes.
  3. Scrub the stain: After the stain remover has had time to work, use a soft-bristled brush or sponge to scrub the stain gently. Be sure to use a circular motion and apply gentle pressure to avoid scratching the surface of your Yeti tumbler.
  4. Rinse and dry: Once you have finished scrubbing the stain, rinse your Yeti tumbler thoroughly with warm water to remove any remaining residue from the stain remover. Dry your tumbler with a soft cloth or towel.

It’s important to note that some stain removers can be harsh and may damage the surface of your Yeti tumbler if used incorrectly. Always follow the instructions on the label and test the product on a small, inconspicuous area of your tumbler before applying it to the stain.

For tougher stains you may want to use more than one of these deep cleaning methods.

Cleaning the Yeti

When it comes to cleaning a Yeti, there are two main methods: hand washing and machine washing. Both methods have their own benefits and drawbacks.

Hand Washing

You’ll definitely want to give your Yeti coffee mug a thorough cleaning after using any kind of cleaning solution for stain removal. Hand washing is the preferred method for cleaning a Yeti cup, as it is gentle and helps to preserve the cup’s insulation properties. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Fill the cup with hot water and add a small amount of dish soap.
  2. Use a soft sponge or cloth to gently scrub the inside and outside of the cup.
  3. Rinse the cup thoroughly with hot water.
  4. Dry the cup with a clean towel or let it air dry.

Pro tip: regular cleaning is the most effective way to prevent permanent coffee stains.

Machine Washing

Machine washing is a quick and easy way to clean a Yeti cup, but it can be harsh on the cup and may damage the insulation properties. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Place the Yeti cup in the top rack of the dishwasher.
  2. Use a mild detergent and run the dishwasher on a gentle cycle.
  3. Remove the cup from the dishwasher and dry it with a clean towel or let it air dry.

It is important to note that Yeti cups should not be washed with bleach or abrasive cleaners, as these can damage the cup’s finish and insulation properties. Additionally, coffee stains can be removed from a Yeti cup using a variety of methods, including white vinegar and baking soda, cleaning tablets, or a mixture of salt and vinegar.

Drying the Yeti

After cleaning the Yeti, it is important to dry it properly to prevent any water spots or streaks. Here are some tips to ensure your Yeti is completely dry:

  • Use a clean and dry towel to wipe the Yeti thoroughly. Make sure to get into all the crevices and corners of the cup.
  • If you have access to compressed air, use it to blow out any remaining water droplets from the nooks and crannies of the Yeti.
  • Let the Yeti air dry upside down on a drying rack or dish rack. This will allow any remaining water to drip out and prevent water spots from forming.

It is important to note that the Yeti lid should be cleaned and dried separately from the cup. The lid has a silicone gasket that can trap moisture if not dried properly, leading to mold growth and unpleasant odors.

To dry the lid, use a clean and dry towel to wipe it down, making sure to get into all the crevices and corners. You can also let the lid air dry upside down on a drying rack or dish rack.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your Yeti is not only clean but also completely dry, ready for your next cup of coffee or other beverage.

Preventing Future Stains

To avoid future coffee stains on your Yeti, there are a few preventative measures you can take.

First, consider using a coffee sleeve or a silicone lid to cover your Yeti cup while drinking. This can help prevent spills and stains from occurring in the first place.

Second, after using your Yeti, rinse it out with warm water and dish soap as soon as possible. This can help prevent coffee residue from building up and making stains more difficult to remove later on.

Third, avoid leaving coffee in your Yeti for extended periods of time, as this can also contribute to stains. Instead, try to finish your drink within a reasonable amount of time and then rinse out your cup right away.

Finally, consider using cleaning tablets or a mixture of baking soda and water to deep clean your Yeti on a regular basis. This can help prevent stains from building up over time and make it easier to remove any new stains that do occur.

By following these simple preventative measures, you can help keep your Yeti cup looking clean and stain-free for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I effectively remove coffee stains from my YETI mug?

Coffee stains can be tough to remove, but there are several effective methods you can try. One option is to use a mixture of white vinegar and salt. Simply mix equal parts of white vinegar and salt, and use a soft cloth or sponge to scrub the stained area. Rinse the mug thoroughly with water and dry it with a clean towel.

Another option is to use baking soda. Mix a small amount of baking soda with water to create a paste, and use a soft cloth or sponge to apply the paste to the stained area. Scrub gently, then rinse the mug thoroughly with water and dry it with a clean towel.

How do I clean the YETI Rambler chug cap?

To clean the YETI Rambler chug cap, disassemble it first. Then, wash the cap and all its parts with warm, soapy water. Use a soft-bristled brush to clean the inside of the cap and the spout. Rinse all parts thoroughly with water and let them air dry.

What is the best way to clean the outside of my YETI cup?

To clean the outside of your YETI cup, use a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap. Use a soft sponge or cloth to gently scrub the exterior of the cup. Rinse the cup thoroughly with water and dry it with a clean towel.

How can I remove coffee taste from my YETI cup?

If your YETI cup has a lingering coffee taste, try washing it with a mixture of warm water and baking soda. Mix a small amount of baking soda with warm water to create a paste, and use a soft sponge or cloth to apply the paste to the inside of the cup. Let the paste sit for a few minutes, then rinse the cup thoroughly with water and let it air dry.

What is the best method for cleaning the YETI lid with straw?

To clean the YETI lid with straw, disassemble it first. Wash all parts with warm, soapy water and use a soft-bristled brush to clean the straw. Rinse all parts thoroughly with water and let them air dry.

How do I get stains out of my YETI Rambler Jr?

To remove stains from your YETI Rambler Jr, try using a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap. Use a soft sponge or cloth to gently scrub the stained area. Rinse the cup thoroughly with water and dry it with a clean towel. If the stain persists, try using one of the methods mentioned above for removing coffee stains.